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البحـث الثاني



أوابك العلمية لعام

ص لبحوث العلمية الفائزة بجائزة

عدد خا

مجلة النفط والتعاون العربي



- 2017


المجلد الثالث و ال

Re-refining of Used Lubricating Oil and its Economic and Environmental Implications


Used lubricating oil cost: US$ 330 per ton. In France, the used oil cost was about $330/t

in 2011 (Ballerini, 2011).

Utilities costs:

Electric power:



$ 30.61/ton

Thermal oil:

$ 283.5/ton

Cooling water:

$ 0.256/m


The utilities costs for cooling water, electric power, steam and thermal oil have been

obtained from INSEE (2013).

The estimated fixed capital cost is US$55 million (Infineum, 2013). The total investment

cost includes the fixed capital, interests on loan and start-up cost. This adds up to US$

74 million.

Labor costs: An average of $20 per ton of feed are assumed (Audibert, 2011):

Supervision and Operators: $300000 per year; 3 operators per shift

Depreciation: Based on 10 years straight line depreciation method, has been estimated

at 46 $ per ton of feed.

Revenues: Sales of products and residue

The selling price of re-refined base oil was assumed to about $1000/t (roughly 10% to

20% less than the price of virgin base oil), in 2013 (year of production start).

Table 6 summarizes the project´s costs including feedstock, operating and investment


For this case example, the total production cost per ton of feed is US$ 474. The pay-out

time is anticipated to be nearly 2 years, which is acceptable. The investment has

averaged an annual ROI of 25%. This economic evaluation indicates that re-refining of

used lubricating oil can be profitable provided that the feedstock costs are subsidized

by the government, which was the case in this example.