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مجلة النفط والتعاون العربي



- 2017


المجلد الثالث و ال


أوابك العلمية لعام

ص لبحوث العلمية الفائزة بجائزة

عدد خا



In Germany, all oil marketers must provide collection facility near the generation

points of used oil such as garages and service stations and retailers pay for used

oil pick up



However, when there is no government intervention, it becomes the collector

business to agree with the used oil generator. In The United Arab Emirates, the

collectors pay the generator a cost to rid them of the used oil. The cost is somehow

related to the price of oil in the market and it goes up and down with it. This

practise tends to increase the cost of feedstock


on a re-refiner and is not helpful

in the overall process. (Prices will be discussed somewhere else in this report).

The same system applies in the US where collectors pay-for-oil to deliver used

oil to re-refiners, fuel users or exporters.

Before the collapse of crude oil prices, a collector in Texas paid $1 a gallon or

$42 a barrel to the generators to collect their used oils


. But as crude oil prices

affect all users of used oil, the collectors are now generally moving into pay-for-

collection and the Texas collector (re-refiner) is charging 10 cents a gallon or $4.2

a barrel to collect the used oil since December 2014


. Another re-refiner

followed suite and since December 2015 is charging generators of used oil $80

per stop


. The re-refining industry is suffering from a decline in the fuel and

export markets and the low prices of base stocks as a result of falling crude oil


But the US is a large country and some states impose sales taxes to subsidise

collections and some local municipalities fund collection activities


. These

differences are due to the fact that the US has no central coordinating body that

focuses on used oil management as in Europe



Collection of used oil also impact employment opportunities where, for example

in Europe about 2000 to 2500 local jobs are created in used oil collection while

only 1000 to 1200 jobs in 28 re-refining plants



Sources of Used Oils:

It is generally agreed that lubricants consumption in different applications is

governed by the severity of the prevailing conditions and the type of application.

Therefore, the generated used oil from various applications is also different.

Obviously countries are also different in this respect as one country may not have

all the applications needing lubricants. Table (1) shows typical shares of used oils