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البحـث الأول

مجلة النفط والتعاون العربي



- 2017


المجلد الثالث و ال


أوابك العلمية لعام

ص لبحوث العلمية الفائزة بجائزة

عدد خا



Collection and Disposal:

To support the industry, the Italian government established by law in 1984 "The

Statutory Consortium of Used Oil (COOU)", a non-profit making organization

made up of lubricants manufacturers, collectors and re-refiners to foresee the

collection of used oil, its testing and allocation to re-refiners, according to their

capacity or requirement


, and other users with priority of 90%


to re-

refiners. COOU is also in charge of mapping out collection centres and regulating

their equipment and also those of the collection trucks in addition to licensing




COOU is financed by per ton contributions of its members in accordance with

their sales in the market whether virgin and re-refined. This has been introduced

by COOU to subsidize collection and re-refining with the agreement of the

lubricants producers. The contribution value varies year by year according to

some parameters including the price of the base oils.

In the early 2000s, contributions to COOU were 325 Euro per ton where 94 and

40 Euro is paid as subsidy to re-refiners and fuel plants respectively


. But the

contribution has been falling over time to 155 Euro per ton in 2010


. In 2002,

collectors were paid 166.5 Euro per ton collected in addition to subsidies paid to

testing agencies


. The generators of used oils are obliged to give their collected

used oil without charge.

Additional advantage to re-refined products comes from a 50% reduction of the

excise duty applied to virgin lubricant, if the base oil is produced in Italy. The

European Union has requested Italy to ease this law to include imported re-

refined base stocks


. This tax relief is later abolished and replaced by a unified

duty on all lubricant base oils whether virgin or re-refined.

The success of COOU is measured by the increase in collected used oil where the

rate has increased from 42.6 to 48.7% of lubricants consumption in 2008 and

2009 respectively or 95% of the collectable used oils


. COOU website


says that

5.378 million tons were collected between 1984 and now and the regenerated

used oil was 4.432 million tons or 82.4%. The base oils produced as a result were

2.49 million tons in addition to other products. In 2014, COOU collected 167

thousand tons where 91% were regenerated to produce 111 thousand tons of base

oils making 25% of Italy's base oil requirements


. More than 56 thousand tons

of asphalt and gasoil were also produced. The maximum collection of used oil

was in 2006 at 216 thousand tons

